I miss teaching so I am beyond THRILLED to share with you my first ever online class with Skillshare. It's called Illustration in Action: Creating Stylized Portraits. In this class, I walk through some tips and tricks for illustrating a portrait with the theme of celebrating someone we admire. With Angela Davis as my muse I share how I use fun color palettes, bold shapes, and expressive typography to craft illustrations that tell a story. With my mission to celebrate stories that are often untold my hope is that you will be inspired to use visual tools to capture those stories.
I am super excited about this course and excited about sharing it with others who are looking to expand their illustration skills. If you're not keen on illustration or feel intimidated about using programs like Adobe Illustrator, that's ok, you can still watch to learn how I research references, where I look for inspiration, what I keep in my sketchbook versus my idea book, and some best practices for being inspired responsibly.
Click here to join: Also, you can sign up here to try the premium membership for free. I can't wait to see what you create! Please share with me on Twitter, IG, or in the comments below who you will celebrate in your portrait.
An Online Skillshare Class by Andrea Pippins