There's so much ugliness going on in the world. How do we process it all without going mad? At times it's tough alone getting through the daily motions, and then adding on top of that the pain and trauma around us? It's a lot. And as much as I believe in focusing on the good stuff and positive energy, it just feels too irresponsible to ignore the suffering.
Here's a little something I hope will help with processing all the madness. Whether you're an adult at work distracted by the news or a parent trying to figure out how to facilitate a productive conversation with your child about the violence/poverty/injustices/trauma here is a little doodle/coloring page for you.
You, your child, summer school students, or anyone can work through these prompts with writing, coloring, and doodling to put more emphasis on empowerment rather than hopelessness. It may not change the world (immediately) but it can help us think of ways to do so.
I strongly believe that when we allow ourselves to feel what's happening and then put pen to paper some thoughts on how to make change, something happens. Ideas began to emerge and we start to see some solutions, and also feel that change is possible.
You can download the doodle/coloring page here. Please feel free to share.