Several years ago when I was developing a business concept I created a chart that represented the ideal business model for how it would function. The chart became a map, so to speak, of how different parts will make up the new brand. Since then, things have shifted and I replaced the top portion (where the business name would go) with my name and began thinking about the different titles or roles that are a part of who am, specifically in regards to my career path and interests. Almost like a vision board, it gives clarity about the things that I want and things I can do to achieve those goals, but this option simply uses words and structure.
What I love about this "blueprint" is that it functions as a guideline for exactly what I want to do in a new role, or better define what I do in a current role. (And roles don't have to be limited to careers, it can relate to interests, projects, etc.)
I'd like for you to try, too. You can download a PDF version I created here. Or you can draw boxes on a sheet of paper at home.
Here's an example of how it might look (but yours can be handwritten):
It's easy.
1. In the first tier (the top box) write your name.
2. In the second row of boxes add two roles you are or would like to be (note: I only included two boxes in the PDF but you can do more than two).
3. In the third row of boxes add an action or goal that relates to the role. In the example, you see "boutique owner" is the role or title, then actions like "sell clothes" and "promote designers" are actions this person wants to do as a boutique owner. The final row of boxes is where you would add sub-actions, or options to support the main action. So in the example, this boutique owner wants to have flash sales, create an online store, and revamp the store to sell clothes. (You can click on the image to scale and get a better view).
Once everything is in place you can start taking those actions.
When you're done you can put it away and revisit, or hang it up somewhere where you can see it all the time.
If you decide to do a blueprint for yourself, please let me know how it goes!