Making connections online; when looking for advice or information from someone, ask for what you really want to know.
I love the internet, I love blogging, I love social media. I think it's an awesome way to share ideas and connect with people you wouldn't ordinarily have access to. With that access you can reach out to people you admire and respect, get them to see your work and even ask for advice. Connecting with someone who has traveled a road you're trying to explore is a great way to help you figure out your own path. But despite having that person's contact info he or she may not be as available to you as you would like.
The average person receives tons of emails, text messages and voicemails daily. If you're trying to connect with someone who is uber popular or well-known that person probably gets double, maybe even triple in comparison. It's important to consider this when you're thinking about reaching out to someone for advice or a question. Here are some tips that will help you make the most out of an initial connection. [read more]