Accessories are my thing. I think I mentioned before that I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl and I like to dress up that simple outfit with fun colorful earrings, shoes, and bags. So when I discovered Fleathers I immediately became a fan. This jewelry line of organically cut recycled leather is fashioned by Topstitch Boutique co-owner, Linda Smyth.
Fleathers evolved from her interest in leather, the idea of using recycled material, and her inspirations from nature. Linda began collecting leather in various colors from thrift stores, vintage furniture upholstery and donations from friends to create her library of material. My favorite part of the line is that you can go into Topstitch and speak to Linda about customizing your own pair. How fun! But even if you can't get them customized, each set is unique in color, leather texture, and the way it's put together.
When I went to meet with Linda she sat me down in front of this huge table covered in leather scraps, Fleather pieces and Fleather style options. I was so excited because I was getting two pairs customized! First, I chose the style of earrings I wanted: Super Fleathers and Leather Hoops. Then Linda helped me go through the leathers to select colors. For me, it was color heaven! I finally made a selection and sat to watch as my earrings came to life.
I have a really bad habit of getting something I like and wearing it into the ground. I'm finding it hard to not wear these everyday and also deciding which ones to wear. I am truly in love with them. Interested in your own pair or buying wholesale? Visit the Fleathers Etsy shop for more information. Also, check out Linda's metal-cast rings, which are equally beautiful and fun. Thank you Linda, I love my earrings and appreciate you sharing your time.