Ladies you can be just as financially forward as you are fashion
forward. Are you one of those kazillion women who are addicted to
buying bags? Well, I am! I decided to invest in a bag that comes with a
TWO FOR ONE DEAL! Now lets face it, we all can't resist the buy one
get one free deals that the ever conscious marketers promote to lure
us in. This reversible bag with beautiful prints on each side caught my eye.
You can use this bag year round because one side captures those free
roaming fabrics and soft colored prints of the summer, while the other
side provides you with the richer and bolder textures and colors of the
The bag is made with textured upholstery fabric on one side and a light
and breathable fabric on the other. Both sides exude vibrant colors and
the wooden handle (made of pure pine) gives it an elegant kick. Ladies, do use bags that you can carry year round to get more
bang for your buck. This new bag by Letau Designs gives women the
option of two bag designs when they can't make a choice. If you are
an indecisive hen like me, you'll love the idea of buying something and
being able to change your mind from time to time.